Rice irrigation is much more common than it used to be, especially during the dry season. Many areas are now tripled-cropped, with crops grown during the formerly fallow dry season. And in parts of the country much of the irrigation is using arsenic laden shallow ground water that is being brought up, and added to the surface soil. This brings up two concerns that, while secondary to the importance of arsenic in drinking water, are still worth being aware of.
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A Bangladesh field of rice. The largest rice crop is now produced through irrigation. Where arsenic contaminated groundwater is used, a lot of arsenic is brought to the surface. This causes uptake of arsenic by the rice and can hurt future yields.
The first is the issue of arsenic in rice. Rice, more than most crops, is known for its uptake of arsenic. Almost 70% of the country's calories come from rice. So it potentially can add a considerable amount of arsenic into the diet.
The second major concern is the effect on the soil. Yield reductions are being seen in soil that is contaminated with arsenic. Research is being conducted on how to mitigate for that - no easy task.